Sugar Bottom Bikes Wednesday Night "C" Rides to Red's

We are proud to announce we are partnering with our neighbors at Red's Alehouse to bring you a weekly group ride leaving from Sugar Bottom Bikes and ending next door at Red's for a FREE pint!!! We will be calling this our Wednesday Night "C" Ride to Red's. We have discovered that there are a lot of people in town looking for a ride that isn't as fast as the local racer group rides but is also not as slow as the plentiful "casual no-drop rides" that are common.
-Rides will leave from Sugar Bottom Bikes at 6PM sharp on Wednesdays.
-Distance will be 18-20 miles early and move to longer rides as the season progresses.
-Average speed will start at 16-17mph and increase as the season progresses.
-Rides will be at a steady endurance pace, no accelerations or attacking
-Rides will be drop format with no support, be prepared
-Rides will be mostly on roads with some paved trails
-Any style bike is welcome, as long as you can hold the average speed on it.
-We will be scheduling 7 rides until the end of May at which point we will either continue with more rides or switch it up to something different.
Make sure to join our Strava club to join the events and get instant updates in case we make changes. See below for a tentative schedule of ride distances, durations, and inensity.
April 18th 15-20 miles ~50-70 minutes ~16-17mph AVG
April 25th 15-20 miles ~50-70 minutes 16-17mph AVG
May 2nd 20 miles ~70 minutes ~16-17 mph AVG
May 9th 20 miles ~70 minutes ~17mph AVG
May 16th 20-24 miles ~70-90 minutes ~17mph AVG
May 23rd 24-27 miles ~80-95 minutes ~17mph AVG
May 30th 24-27 miles ~80-95 minutes ~17mph AVG